6 Ways to Know You're Not Feeling Seen
Are you feeling frustrated and you're not sure why?
Maybe you feel like your voice is never heard, or like no one considers your thoughts and opinions. You're not feeling seen, even by your friends and family members.Â
How do you know if those nagging feelings relate to you feeling unseen? How do you know if people are actually seeing and hearing you, but you're having a hard time connecting?Â
We want to help with a few ways that you can determine when you're not feeling seen or not being heard. Keep reading to learn more.
1. You're Getting Frustrated More Often
It's normal to get frustrated when it feels like no one is seeing or hearing you. No one is meeting your needs and you might feel like you're putting forth all of the effort to build or maintain your relationships.Â
You may find yourself feeling more stressed or getting angry about things that don't make a lot of sense. You feel more upset when you're doing chores, you no longer enjoy things that used to make you feel good, and every small setback feels like a crisis.Â
It makes sense. When you feel like no one is listening to what you have to say or helping you out, why wouldn't you get frustrated? Even problems with one friend, family member, or partner can disrupt your emotional wellbeing.Â
2. Your Self-Image Is Suffering
Speaking of emotional wellbeing, have you noticed that you're having more self-image problems than you have had in the past?Â
Poor self-image is common among women, but it can get worse if you're feeling unheard.Â
Even if you don't consciously think this, it's easy to fall into the mindset of "my voice isn't important" if people aren't treating you like your voice is important. When you're ignored, you may start to feel as though you deserve it.Â
It's important that you stand up for yourself and rectify the problem.Â
3. You're More Irritable with Others
Have you been snapping at people lately? Even the people that aren't making you feel unseen?Â
When even one person makes you feel as though you don't matter, you may start to associate that feeling with any kind of social interaction. You lash out at people who don't deserve it.
When it comes to the person who's making you feel unheard, you may have even more irritability or aggression. They may not mean to make you feel that way, but that doesn't change your feelings.
You may start getting louder and pushier to make sure that you're getting your point across.Â
This isn't sustainable for healthy interpersonal relationships, so if you notice this happening to you, it might be time to make some adjustments to your life.Â
4. You're Always Repeating Yourself
You can't control this sign, but it is a good way to know if people aren't hearing you.Â
When you have conversations with the people who are making you feel unseen, do they retain any of that information? Do you find yourself having to repeat things later because they've forgotten?Â
Sometimes forgetting has nothing to do with you. Everyone has things going on in their lives that could distract them. If you think that it's a consistent pattern and you always have to repeat yourself, though, you might be feeling unheard.
5. You Mute Yourself
After enough time feeling unseen, you might start to pull yourself out of conversations. Why bother putting forth the effort if no one wants to hear what you have to say? You might think that you're being a bother, or like your words are somehow wrong or unimportant.Â
This is counterproductive, but it's common. It's easier to withdraw from socialization than it is to confront a problem. Eventually, it might seem too difficult for you to re-enter conversations.Â
6. You Apologize Too MuchÂ
Apologizing is polite, but are you betraying yourself with your apologies?
Excessive apologizing is a sign of poor boundaries and people-pleasing. When you spend enough time feeling unseen, you might start apologizing for your very existence.Â
When someone interrupts you, do you apologize (or mute yourself, from section 5)? Do you apologize for speaking too loudly or for stating an opinion that others might not agree with, even if it's benign?Â
You should make a point to determine when your apologies are and are not appropriate. If you've done something wrong, apologize. If not, consider why you feel the need to apologize to that person.Â
What to Do If You Don't Feel Seen
If any of these feelings or behaviors sound familiar to you, it might be time to take steps to correct the problem. You deserve to feel seen and heard.
The first step is communication. Remember, it's possible that these people aren't aware of how you feel or of the impact that they're having on you. People aren't mind-readers, so you need to try to have an open conversation about your concerns.Â
If this is too difficult as a first step, try working on self-empowerment. Empowering yourself by practicing self-care and positive affirmations may help you feel confident enough to voice your concerns, even if you don't think that anyone will hear them.Â
If you find empowerment through nature, consider investing in amethyst. Amethyst is great for empowering yourself to speak your truth, and even the act of doing something kind for yourself can be enough to trigger self-confidence.Â
Are You Not Feeling Seen? It's Time to Fix It
When you're not feeling seen, it takes a toll on your emotional and spiritual health. You deserve to have strong relationships with people who listen to you and make you feel accepted.Â
Speak your truth and stand up for yourself. It's scary, but the improved bonds will be worth it.Â
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